jeudi 23 août 2007

Along the river at night 2/5

Canon 400 D - 50mm - Tv 8s - Av 4 - ISO 400

As we still have no sun shine. I will continue to show you Château-Gontier by night. By the way there is no grey or blue sky...nobody can see the clouds...see yesterday's explanations
This is a detail of our little harbour.µ
Today on axellephotoblog you will what we cooked in the family and the boat Sea Cloud II, on Expression photo you will see a classic view of the Saint MALO old city.
Today I suggest to see the interesting photo report made by the press magazine "L'express" about how China prepare young children to the Olympics game 2008.

Comme nous n'avons toujours pas de ciel bleu, je vais continuer à vous montrer Château-Gontier la nuit. De cette façon il n'y a ni ciel bleu, ni ciel gris...personne ne voit les nuages.
Ceci est un détail de notre petit port. Merci pour vos visites sur nos autres sites familiaux : axellephotoblog et Expression photo

12 commentaires:

Ben Nakagawa a dit…

Cheers for link! I just posted that less than 30min ago.
So far, two of your night shots have nice reflections on the water. I like this one, because gives me a feel of I'm standing there to watch this boat.

Jules a dit…

Thanks for visitng Rabaul - you do live in a beautiful place and I love your photos!!

It is difficult taking good photos at night but these are great!!!! I also love the b & w shots from previous posts!!!!

lyliane six a dit…

Une ville que je ne connais pas, mais qui m'a l'air bien sympathique et ce ne doit pas être loin de chez moi.

Olivier a dit…

Superbe photo de nuit, bravo pour le reflet. C'est bete à Evry sur les bords de seine, il n'y a pas d'eclairage ;o(. Bon Weekend

Superb photograph of night, cheer for the reflection. It is stupid in Evry on the edges of the Seine, it does not have there lighting; O (. Good Weekend

alice a dit…

Superbe photo! Quant à la météo, au moins il ne pleut pas chez toi...

Bergson a dit…

Superbe photo de nuit encore une fois , pas de panique le soleil arrive pour ce week end.

Le 400 D est nouveau ?

Jilly a dit…

Beautiful photo. And yesterday's. Night shots are difficult (at least I find them so) and these are lovely.

isa a dit…

Another lovely night shot! Is that a houseboat on the river?

(re: your comment on my blog - just to confuse you more, I am also in Michigan at the moment ;-)

Lori a dit…

What a beautiful night shot! The reflections on the water are lovely. I hope you get some sunshine soon!

Anonyme a dit…

I love pictures taken at this time in the early evening. It really gives the sky a wonderful deep blue color.

ASHE a dit…

Thank you for stopping by my blog! I have been learning alot about Chateau-Gontier. Your nighttime pictures are beautiful, and I get a real feel for the atmosphere of the area. Particularly through the images of sculptures, gardens, and performances. I will definitely be stopping by again :)

Anonyme a dit…

Very nice photography at night.