vendredi 13 juillet 2007

Imagine….it is the black night….the lights of the city are extinct….you are on a place in centre town around you of other spectators await the spectacle.

Imaginez ....c'est la nuit noire....les lumières de la ville sont éteintes....vous êtes sur une place en centre ville autour de vous d'autres spectateurs attendent le spectacle.

Suddenly you hear several noise of sheep….then you smell in your body the beat of several drums so much the noise is strong.
Soudain vous entendez plusieurs bruit de moutons....puis vous sentez dans votre corps le battement de plusieurs tambours tellement le bruit est fort.
The black is complete you always do not see anything but you feel the vibrations….
Suddenly two large luminous eyes located at 2 meters of the ground looks at you and start to move….“The drums of fires are moving”… the devil passes .....

Le noir est complet vous ne voyez toujours rien mais vous ressentez les vibrations....
Soudain deux gros yeux lumineux situés à 2 metres du sol vous regarde et se mettent à bouger...."Les tambours de feux sont en marche" ...le diable passe.....

Company : DEABRU BELTRACK - Bilbao (Spain)

This is the end of this photographs serie carried out at the time of the CHALIBAUDE .....

Ceci est la fin de la série de photos réalisées lors de la CHALIBAUDE.....

Used the following URL to visit my other blog and watch 10 more pictures of this serie.

11 commentaires:

calusarus a dit…

Jolies vues nocturnes, et un texte qui nous plonge dans l'ambiance. Bravo.

Kekiinani a dit…

Looks like fun but a bit scary. Nice series of shots :) :)

Olivier a dit…

superbe ces photos du spectacle. merci pour cette serie sur cette fete. je te souhaite un bon weekend

Anonyme a dit…

Very interesting performance in black. Nice shots.

If you visited my blog yesterday and left a comment about our 52nd wedding anniversary, I wanted to say, "Thanks."

Ash a dit…

Interesting shots. Glad you are back!

inspired a dit…

spectacular ;o]

david mcmahon a dit…

Hi Laurent,

My favourite is the first shot. Another lovely photo esay.



M.Benaut a dit…

What an evening; of poetry, sound and light. Your description was marvellous and we are all happy that the diable est disparu. Merci, et joyeux 14 julliet a tout le monde

Anonyme a dit…

Wow this is interesting. Looks very scary. What do the kids think about this or are they watching? I always enjoy seeing things like this from you. Gives me a chance to learn more about your culture and lifestyles. Thanks.

I have posted a link to your site from mine, finally. Just seem to be behind lately.

Adamantine a dit…

Vraiment impressinant ce spectacle! Juszte pour te préciser: je suis infirmiére à domicile,ce qui me permet de rentrer un peu partout!

Ele ^_^ a dit…

Beautiful scenary, I like the first photo with a red light.. Great!