This week with place with Castle-Gontier "La Chalibaude". Chalibeaude is an old tradition for the festival of the Jean Saint. A fire was lit with the turning of a way the villageaois were going to make Chalibaude. Of Germanique origin that means: Heat and Joy
During 2 days the town of Castle-Gontier, lives at the rate/rhythm of Chalibaude. Free and varied spectacles 11h00 at Midnight. Here you see an image of the spectacle “transport exceptional” This spectacle puts in scene a dancer and an excavator.
The music in support is a sad opera with only one female way. Attraction and repulsion between the masculine and female (excavator is female in French) the duet between iron and the flesh. Duration of the spectacle 20 minutes Companie of the beautiful Gesture (Valley of Reuil- 27)
During 2 days the town of Castle-Gontier, lives at the rate/rhythm of Chalibaude. Free and varied spectacles 11h00 at Midnight. Here you see an image of the spectacle “transport exceptional” This spectacle puts in scene a dancer and an excavator.
The music in support is a sad opera with only one female way. Attraction and repulsion between the masculine and female (excavator is female in French) the duet between iron and the flesh. Duration of the spectacle 20 minutes Companie of the beautiful Gesture (Valley of Reuil- 27)
Ce week à lieu à Château-Gontier "La Chalibaude". La Chalibeaude est une ancienne tradition pour la fête de la Saint Jean. Un feu était allumé au détour d'un chemin les les villageaois allaient faire la Chalibaude. D'origine Germanique cela signifie :Chaleur et Joie
Pendant 2 jours la ville de Château-Gontier, vit au rythme de la Chalibaude. Spectacles gratuits et variés de 11h00 à Minuit. Ici vous voyez une image du spectacle "transport exceptionnels" Ce spectacle met en scène un danseur et une pelleteuse.
La musique en support est un opéra triste avec une seule voie féminine. Attraction et répulsion entre le masculin et le féminin (pelleteuse est féminin en Français) duo entre le fer et la chair.Durée du spectacle 20 minutes Companie du beau Geste (Val de Reuil- 27)
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9 commentaires:
Nice pictures of something red. I like them.
Abraham Lincoln
—Me as Moses—
Brookville Daily Photo
a duel with an excavator
tres extraordinaire!
Ah, super choice of subject. Very effective.
Today has been a good day for me. I have watched the Video of your city, as you recommended on your blog.
I have left a message for little Axelle and I have studied the town map (carte de la ville).
You have a "Chemin de la petite vitesse". That is very good - and very funny.
J'apprécierai pour vous rendre visite l'année prochaine, s'il est possible.
Espérons que la pluie ne vienne pas gâcher la fête...Bon dimanche!
Vous avez eu de la chance : une pelleteuse rouge pour le théme du jour et pas de pluie aujourd'hui.
Elle est pas belle la vie ??
cela doit etre surprenant une danse entre un homme et une pelleteuse. tres original
Hi Laurent,
Nice subject and thanks for the explanation. I also liked the photo essay on your other blog - that was terrific.
Now that is quite interesting!! :) :)Thanks for the explanations :)
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