Mariage de styles à l'hôpital Saint Julien à Château-Gontier. Cette photo a été prise de l'arrière du bâtiment où se trouve les services généraux. Cette image n'est pas un photo montage, c'est le même cadrage seul un éclair gris a été ajoutée au centre pour accentuer la rupture.
Marriage of styles to the Hospital of St. Julien Chateau-Gontier. This photo was taken behind the building where the general services are located. This image is not a photo montage is the same framing only a grey flash was added to the center to accentuate the break.
Marriage of styles to the Hospital of St. Julien Chateau-Gontier. This photo was taken behind the building where the general services are located. This image is not a photo montage is the same framing only a grey flash was added to the center to accentuate the break.
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